
Other Formatting for Console Output

Strick.PlusCon includes several string extension methods that can be used to format information for console output.

These methods work by wrapping the string in escape sequences to enable the specific console formatting.


The Colorize method wraps a string with foreground and/or background color escape sequences.

string colorized = "foo".Colorize(Color.Red);
WL(colorized.Colorize(null, Color.White)); //add background
WL("Hello World!".Colorize(Color.Red));
WL("Hello World!".Colorize(Color.Red, Color.White));

Example - Colorize 1

You can also wrap your colorized string with pre- and post-values. The pre- and post-values can also, optionally, be rendered with their own colors.

string wrapped = "foo".Colorize(Color.Red, null, "**[", "]**");
wrapped = "foo".Colorize(Color.Red, null, "**[", "]**", Color.Lime, Color.White);
wrapped = "cruel".Colorize(Color.Red, null, "*", "*", Color.Lime);
WL($"Hello {wrapped} World!");

Example - Colorize 2

Another Colorize overload takes a sequence of Color structures, and returns a string with escape sequences to vary the foreground color of each character in the value with the colors from the sequence of colors.

If the colors sequence is null or has no elements, the value is returned unchanged.

If the colors sequence has only a single element, the entire value is colorized with that color.

If the length of the value is 1, its color will be set to the first color in the colors sequence.

If the length of the value is > the number of elements in the colors sequence, the colors in the sequence will be repeated.

string stick = "Peppermint-stick";
List<Color> colors = new List<Color>();
colors = ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors(Color.Red, Color.White, 5).ToList();

colors = ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors(Color.Red, Color.White, stick.Length).ToList();

WL("Peppermint-Pattie".Colorize(colors).Colorize(null, Color.LightGray));

colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(171, 96, 0)); //brown
colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(57, 168, 53)); //green
colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(2, 85, 166)); //blue
WL("Peppermint-Patty".Colorize(colors).Colorize(null, Color.LightGray));

Example - Colorize 3


The Underline method wraps a string with underlining escape sequences.

string underlined = "foo".Underline();
WL("Hello World!".Underline());

Example - Underline 1


The Reverse method wraps a string with reverse text (foreground and background colors are swapped, or “reversed”) escape sequences.

string reversed = "foo".Reverse();
WL("Hello World!".Reverse());
WL(reversed, Color.LimeGreen, Color.White);
WL(reversed, Color.White, Color.LimeGreen);

Example - Reverse 1


The Gradient method inserts escape sequences into a string to vary the foreground color of each character in the string.

string grad = "foo-bar".Gradient(Color.White, Color.BlueViolet);
WL("Hello-World!".Gradient(Color.Red, Color.White));
WL("--=gradients=--".Gradient(Color.White, Color.BlueViolet, Color.White));
WL("***fade-out***".Gradient(Color.White, Color.Black));
WL("***fade-in!***".Gradient(Color.Black, Color.White));
WL("-- ** down on the beach ** --".Gradient(Color.SandyBrown, Color.FromArgb(3, 240, 165), Color.FromArgb(145, 193, 255)));

Example - Gradient 1

Use the ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors method to get a sequence of colors for a gradient, which can be used in ways limited only by your imagination.

var colors = ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors(Color.SkyBlue, Color.Orange, Console.WindowHeight).ToList();
string spaces = new(' ', Console.WindowWidth);
foreach (var color in colors)
{ W(spaces, Color.White, color); }

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
W("Sunrise", Color.White, colors[0]);

Example - Gradient 2

int top = Console.WindowHeight / 2;
int bottom = Console.WindowHeight - top;
var colors = ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors(Color.FromArgb(145, 193, 255), Color.FromArgb(3, 240, 165), top).ToList();
colors.AddRange(ColorUtilities.GetGradientColors(Color.FromArgb(3, 240, 165), Color.SandyBrown, bottom));
string spaces = new(' ', Console.WindowWidth);
foreach (var color in colors)
{ W(spaces, Color.White, color); }

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowHeight - 2);
W("On the beach", Color.White, colors[^2]);

Example - Gradient 3


The various formatting methods can be combined to create additional effects.

WL($"Hello World!".Underline(), Color.Red);
WL($"Hello {"cruel".Underline()} World!", Color.Red);
WL("***fade-out***".Gradient(Color.Black, Color.White).Colorize(null, Color.White));
WL("***fade-in!***".Gradient(Color.White, Color.Black).Colorize(null, Color.White));
WL("-- ** down on the beach ** --".Gradient(Color.SandyBrown, Color.FromArgb(3, 240, 165), Color.FromArgb(145, 193, 255)).Reverse());
WL("-- ** down on the beach ** --".Gradient(Color.SandyBrown, Color.FromArgb(3, 240, 165), Color.FromArgb(145, 193, 255)).Underline());

Example - Combinations 1

Note that nesting colors (either foreground or background) is NOT supported.

Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
WL($"Hello {"cruel".Colorize(Color.Lime).Underline()} World!");
WL($"Hello {"cruel".Colorize(Color.Lime).Underline()} World!", Color.Red);
WL($"Hello [cruel] World!".Colorize(Color.Red), Color.Lime);
//You have to use something more like this...
WL($"{"Hello".Colorize(Color.Red)} {"cruel".Colorize(Color.Lime).Underline()} {"World!".Colorize(Color.Red)}");

Example - Other Notes 1

Other Color Utilities

Brighten Color extension method

Darken Color extension method

AdjustBrightness Color extension method

These methods in the ColorUtilities static class work with the System.Drawing.Color structure to adjust – brighten (toward white) or darken (toward black) a given color.

Color b = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
Color d = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
int adjustment = 40;

WL($"{ShowColor(b)}  {ShowColor(d)}");
	b = b.Brighten(adjustment);
	d = d.Darken(adjustment);
	WL($"{ShowColor(b)}  {ShowColor(d)}");
} while ((d.R > 0 || d.G > 0 || d.B > 0) || (b.R < 255 || b.G < 255 || b.B < 255));

private static string ShowColor(Color color)
	string text;
	text = $"R:{color.R:D3} G:{color.G:D3} B:{color.B:D3}";

	return text.Colorize(null, color);

Example - Color Utilities 1